The All on X Concept is an innovative approach to dental implants. Its goal is to replace all missing teeth with one bridge. Four to six titanium implants support the bridge. You can complete the procedure at a dentist near you in three to four hours. When you visit our dentists in Universal City, the first step will be to take a CT scan. The data will determine the design of the implant. If you have decaying teeth, you may need to address the issue before the placement of the bridge.
The data from the assessment will help designers determine how to fit implants into the jawbone. A precise angle is crucial to ensure the device is comfortable. It may take four to six months to heal after the bridge placement. The implants need time to fuse with the jawbone to create a stable base.
The principal factor that distinguishes the All on X dental implants is cost. It does not require an implant for every missing tooth. The process is less invasive than traditional implants since it does not require bone grafting.
Missing teeth can impact your self-confidence positively. However, it is more than a cosmetic issue. The missing teeth can cause many dental problems. The teeth may shift and cause malocclusions. If you have had an extraction, our dentist will present options during your dental appointment in Universal, TX.
The implant supporting the bridge are made of titanium, allowing them to bond with the bone. It stimulates the bone, preventing bone resorption. Placing the implants at an angle also provides more bone to fuse into the jawbone. All On X implants are more stable than traditional alternatives.
All On X Implants are not only budget-friendly, but they are also comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. The implant will not affect your diet or speech.