If you identified with even one of the above symptoms of bruxism, you’d be happy to know that it can be easily treated with a custom night guard that is comfortably worn while sleeping. You can make an appointment now for a consultation and treatment using our convenient online booking tool, or we invite you to keep reading to learn more about the causes of bruxism and the complications that can arise when left untreated.
Although the cause of bruxism (more commonly known as tooth grinding) is not entirely understood in the medical profession, it is widely considered to have a genetic link, to manifest from stress, have a correlation with alcohol or caffeine consumption, and more. The surest way to determine if the conditions you’re experiencing are related to bruxism and need a night guard from our dentist for treatment is to book an appointment with our dentist in Universal City, TX.
Our dentist can detect changes in your teeth and mouth that would identify the presence of bruxism and can provide treatment options such as an easy-to-wear night guard. If left untreated, your teeth grinding will continue to damage your teeth and jaw, develop into continued headaches and earaches, and could even lead to temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ). Instead of facing those possible eventualities, we invite you to book an appointment with our family dentist near you to learn more about night guards for the treatment of bruxism in Universal City, TX.